This page contains a list of all EoL versions of AWS FreePBX; the historical Change Log.
*** For Instructions on Upgrading your Existing Instances, Click Here ***
TWM-AMI v16.3 - Released 2023-10-04
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2306-1
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v16.0.40.4
Asterisk v16.30.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
- Latest FreePBX v16 Modules and OS Packages as of 20231004
- Latest Generation M7a Instances now available
- Added New Modules:
- Missed Call Notification
- SMS Plus (for SIPStation and VoIP Innovations SMS)
- VoIP Innovations (Trunking provider acquired by Sangoma)
- We've disabled Automatic Security Updates! Sangoma has put out a few too many broken security updates this year and the default auto-install option has been breaking systems for our customers. It is also antithetical to our "Stable Managed Infrastructure" (read: Traditional) approach to telecom/VoIP. We have changed the default at launch to Email Only, which will notify you if you have setup email. If you haven't, security updates will still automatically appear on the Dashboard as a Notification
- We've disabled the Asterisk Rest Interface (and randomize the credentials at launch) for security reasons. It can be re-enabled via Settings > Advanced Settings
- We've disabled several modules at launch - in particular, modules with potential security risks due to allowing external/programmatic access have been removed to help protect new customers who may not be aware of them - but they can be re-enabled at any time. The following modules have been disabled in this release:
- Advanced Recovery (for WSHA, purchase req'd)
- IOT Server
- Sangoma Connect
- Sangoma MCU
- Sangoma RealTime API
- WebRTC Phone
- WE HAVE DISABLED CHAN_SIP! (The time has come) While you can re-enable Chan_SIP in Advanced Settings by setting the SIP Channel Driver option to 'both,' we strongly advise that you explore whether Chan_PJSIP will actually work for your environment (99% of customers). Sangoma WILL be removing Chan_SIP completely from Asterisk/FreePBX in an upcoming future version and Chan_SIP is NO LONGER SECURE, as it only supports the MUCH older TLSv1 protocol.
- We have also removed a few entries from the Default Security Group that ships with the AMI. This is to bring it in line with the removal of API modules as noted above and help protect new customers
TWM-AMI v16.2 - Released 2022-09-14
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2208-2
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v16.0.21.18
Asterisk v16.28.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
- Latest FreePBX v16 Modules and OS Packages as of 20220914
- Added Advanced Recovery (for WSHA, purchase req'd) and IOT Server modules
TWM-AMI v16.1 - Released 2022-02-17
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2202-2
Security Patches for restapps module vulnerability!
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v16.0.15
Asterisk v16.20.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
- Latest FreePBX v16 Modules and OS Packages as of 20220217
TWM-AMI v16.0 - Released 2021-12-25
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2112-4
Initial Release of FreePBX v16 and our new matched versioning!
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v16.0.10.43
Asterisk v16.20.0
PHP 7.4 support
Many major additions to the API module with GraphQL methods
User Control Panel:
Templates - Administrators can now customize the UCP user experience before the user logs into UCP for the first time
Password Validation - Administrator can enable and configure various password complexity rules for users changing passwords
Firewall module overhaul and further fail2ban integration
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
- Latest FreePBX v16 Modules and OS Packages as of 20211224
- Existing Instances can upgrade in-place with the following command:
- smartupgrade v16-inplace-upgrade
- This upgrade will interrupt call services (~60sec) near the end of the upgrade, even on HA Clusters!
- Only perform this upgrade during non-production hours!
TWM-AMI v4.6 - Released 2021-12-25
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2107-3
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v15.0.17.64
Asterisk v16.20.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20211224
TWM-AMI v4.5 - Released 2021-06-30
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2104-1
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v15.0.17.34
Asterisk v16.17.0
Upgrade to NodeJS v10.24.1
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20210622
TWM-AMI v4.4 - Released 2021-04-08
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2012-1
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v15.0.17.24
Asterisk v16.16.2
NEW FreePBX Modules:
Sangoma Connect (Paid)
Dynamic Routes (FREE)
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20210408
RETURN OF THE SANGOMA FIREWALL for proper functioning in the revamped Intrusion Detection settings page. Please see this notice for more information.
TWM-AMI v4.3 - Released 2020-10-05
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.8-2008-1
CentOS v7.8.2003
FreePBX Framework v15.0.16.75
Asterisk v16.13.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20201005
tmux-on-login is now enabled by default for the SSH Console - To disable it, run smartupgrade tmux-on-login no
Existing v3.6 instances can upgrade by running:
smartupgrade v4-inplace-upgrade
NOTE: If you are on v3.5 or earlier, you must use SmartUpgrade to update to v3.6 before upgrading to v4.3
TWM-AMI v3.6 & v4.2 - Released 2020-06-30
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.6-2002-2
CentOS v7.6.1810
FreePBX Framework v14.0.13.34 (AMI v3.6) & v15.0.16.57 (AMI v4.2)
Asterisk v16.9.0
This is the final planned AMI release of the v3.x version track - Updates via SmartUpgrade will be provided indefinitely
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20200630
We have removed the Sangoma Firewall to prevent conflicts and confusion. You are welcome to reinstall it, but WE DO NOT ADVISE IT!
TWM-AMI v3.5 & v4.1 - Released 2020-03-27
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.6-2002-2
CentOS v7.6.1810
FreePBX Framework v14.0.13.26 (AMI v3.5) & v15.0.16.44 (AMI v4.1)
Asterisk v16.9.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20200327
TWM-AMI v3.4 & v4.0 - Released 2020-01-05
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.6-1910-1
CentOS v7.6.1805
FreePBX Framework v14.0.13.23 (AMI v3.4) & v15.0.16.39 (AMI v4.0)
Asterisk v16.6.2
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20200105
TWM-AMI v3.3 - Released 2019-09-27
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.6-1904-1
CentOS v7.6.1805
FreePBX Framework v14.0.13.4
Asterisk v16.4.1 (& v13.27.1)
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20190927
We have switched to Asterisk Version 16 (LTS), as v13 is rapidly approaching EoL and is only receiving critical fixes at this point. If you are launching a new instance that you intend to attach to a cluster, you must make sure you are on the same major version of Asterisk on BOTH instances BEFORE joining the new instance to the cluster. You can run smartupgrade asterisk-version-switch to switch asterisk versions, up OR down, on an instance at any time. We STRONGLY advise that you switch UP to Asterisk v16 unless you have a very specific need for Asterisk v13. This will not affect any of your existing FreePBX configuration
Linux Swap has been changed from a root volume partition to a swap file on the root (/) filesystem. This allows for the same ability to enlarge the root volume via EC2 Console as you can with the spool volume with a simple stop/start of the instance
EXISTING INSTANCES MUST MANUALLY RUN smartupgrade enlarge-root (or smartupgrade enlarge-root-2 for v2.x instances) one time to enable this functionality (no downtime required)
TWM-AMI v3.2 - Released 2019-04-15
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.5-1902-3
CentOS v7.5.1804
FreePBX Framework v14.0.10.1
Asterisk v13.22.0
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20190415
SmartUpgrade EXPERT-MODE now uses twmDB instead of flatfiles
Existing instances can run smartupgrade migrate-to-twmDB to manually make the switch; no downtime required and you will see no difference at all afterwards. This will eventually be auto-migrated for future versions of S3 Sync/AFD and to improve tracking of options and updates/patches, so a manual switch is NOT necessary
TWM-AMI v2.9.1 & v3.1.1 - Released 2018-10-01
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-21 & v12.7.5-1807-1
For NEW launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Regression of faulty kmod-forcedeth package (applies to v3.x only)
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20180930
TWM-AMI v3.1 - Released 2018-06-21
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.5-1805-3
CentOS v7.5.1804
FreePBX Framework v14.0.3.6
Asterisk v13.19.1
Speed up FreePBX RPM Installation dramatically
For new launches from the Marketplace AMI:
Latest FreePBX Modules and OS Packages as of 20180621
TWM-AMI v3.0 - Released 2017-11-13
FreePBX Firmware v12.7.4-1710-2
New FULL release with new major version track
- CentOS v7.3
- FreePBX Framework v14.0.1.20
- Asterisk v13.17.2 (full support for switching to Asterisk 14, beta support for Asterisk 15)
TWM-AMI v2.9 - Released 2017-08-20
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-21
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20170820
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160820
Update Asterisk 13.17 and 14.6
Update iSymphony and XactView to version
Added Configuration File Editor module (Admin > Config Edit)
Added PHPAGI Config module (Settings > PHPAGI Config)
TWM-AMI v2.8.1 - Released 2017-03-27
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-19
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20170317
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160317
Update Asterisk 13.14 and 14.3 to fix crash issue with reloads - FREEPBX-14188
Update nodejs for zulu chat feature - FREEPBX-14187
Update iSymphony to
TWM-AMI v2.7 - Released 2016-12-10
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-17
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20161210
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20161210
Update Asterisk 13.12 and 14.1
Update for Security Vulnerability in kernel - FREEPBX-13484 Update kernel for dirtycow exploit
TWM-AMI v2.6 - Released 2016-08-26
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-15
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20160826
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160826
Update iSymphony 3.2.2
Update asterisk 11.23 and 13.10.0
Update for Security Vulerability - 2016-08-09 CVE Remote Command Execution with Privileged Escalation
TWM-AMI v2.5 - Released 2016-06-25
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-13
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20160625
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160625
This update helps to mitigate a known Asterisk issue where BLFs stop functioning properly after a configuration reload on some systems
Removed persistent nagging OpenCNAM Registration notification
SmartUpgrade has been updated to address a change in our web hosting provider. Existing users should manually update SmartUpgrade by following this FAQ:
TWM-AMI v2.4 - Released 2016-03-11
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-9
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20160311
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160311
Optimizations allowing for the (cheaper) single vCPU instance type, t2.small, for testing or (very small) customers with <=10 Endpoints & <=5 Simultaneous external calls
SmartUpgrade is now baked into the AMI for new instance launches (v2.4+ only)
Confirmed AWS Long Resource ID support across ALL versions:
TWM-AMI v2.3.1 - Released 2016-02-16
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-8
Fixed an issue with Asterisk 13 that was preventing users from uploading custom sound files in the System Recordings and Music on Hold modules of the FreePBX Web GUI in all previous TWM-AMI v2.x releases. This does NOT affect users who have switched to Asterisk 11 or are still running TWM-AMI v1.11 or earlier. Users can get more information and patch their existing instances by reading this FAQ:
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20160209
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160209
Update Asterisk to v13.7.1 (or 11.21.1, if you have performed an asterisk-version-switch)
Update DAHDI to v2.11
Fixed issue with postfix permissions
TWM-AMI v2.2 - Released 2016-01-13
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-7
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20160111
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20160111
Fixed issue with EndPoint Manager v13.0.14 being a broken update. This releases with EPM v13.0.15.
While there is no upgrade script for existing instances running TWM-AMI v2.1, if you are stuck in a broken state with the EPM v13.0.14 update, you can follow this link to resolve the issue
TWM-AMI v2.1 - Released 2015-12-24
FreePBX Firmware v10.13.66-6
Update FreePBX Modules to latest versions as of 20151224
Update CentOS packages to latest versions as of 20151224
Moved /var/spool to it's own volume. When launching a new instance, you can set any size for /dev/sdb between 50GB and 16TB!!! Now you can store all the voicemail, call recordings, and faxes you could ever want!
*** For Instructions on Upgrading your Existing Instances, Click Here ***
PRIVACY WARNING: Clicking the "Launch an Instance" button on this page will expose your personal information to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and their affiliates for the purposes of processing your subscription. Click here to view our Total Privacy Policy.
Previous Versions

a division of Rebar IT Outsourcing