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The FreePBX® EcoSystem has developed over the past 15 years to be the most widely deployed Open Source PBX platform in use across the world today. The openness of the project allows Users, Resellers, Enthusiasts and Partners to utilize the FreePBX EcoSystem to build robust communications solutions that are powerful but at the same time easy to implement and support.


AWS FreePBX is a pairing of CentOS 7.6, FreePBX 16, and Asterisk 16 with full Commercial Module support through Sangoma.

Click one of the sections below for more information or click the Launch an Instance button to visit our AWS Marketplace page.

PRIVACY WARNING: Clicking the "Launch an Instance" button on this page will expose your personal information to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and their affiliates for the purposes of processing your subscription. Click here to view our Total Privacy Policy.

Read this BEFORE launching an instance:

This calculator is only meant to provide a relative estimate of AWS charges for a single instance of AWS FreePBX. Utilizing Reserved Instance Hardware can yield an additional savings of 25-60% on the Hardware charges. T3/T3a Bursting instance types provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst beyond baseline for periods of time and are intended for systems that will see little use of advanced features like Queues and Conference Rooms. HA Clusters require an M5 or C5 instance type and will incur more than double the estimated charges above, as two instances PLUS an RDS instance and EFS store are required.

Read this AFTER launching an instance:

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